Northern Cali goodbyes

Sometimes goodbyes can be so challenging …. and leaving Northern California, for me, has always been like leaving a part of my heart behind. This moment in time appears to be no different as I spend the day silently preparing for the crux of my being to be divided once again. The saying of ‘Leaving…

Acro Yoga in the City

After our amazing spa experience in Calistoga yesterday, we ended up staying in the high hills of Berkley with our new friends Caran and Mark (Caran was in our ‘Heart to Hand’ workshop this past weekend), and their humongous 4 dogs. Apart from me forgetting my laptop at the spa (HOW does one do that??!),…


Before setting off to Calistoga for a relaxing day at the Indian Springs Resort and Spa, we had to offer our host Scott a chance to experience yogaFLIGHT. This is what part of our adventure is all about, introducing our brand of yoga to the world and our skydiving friends! After another successful convert to…


Wine touring a go-go

I can’t remember the last time that I began drinking before noon. Well today, I was well on my way to full-on inebriation before the mid-day lunch rush. Scott, our winery tour guide, drove us to three tasty wineries, starting with a sampling of the sparkling beverages at the Ironhorse Vineyards. Clouds and low-lying fog…


On a Mission

The last day of our ‘Heart to Hand‘ workshop … a truly lovely weekend with some fabulous yogis of like mind and passion. Very much like our Yoga Teacher Training in that the pace was steady with so much relevant information, but it seemed a much more relaxed environment. Just a very different style. Kristie…


Cruising the Cruz

Waking to the distant sounds of the ocean was such a soothing and incredibly beautiful gift. Who knew that I could find such joy in the haven of my Airstream, conscious to the changing world outside, finding sanctity and harmony within. Don’t like the view? Change it! Manifest your destiny, dream big and redefine. And…