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Cheezy and Raw

A rainy day … great for adventures in shopping and dining with our friend Minna! Our friends, the Calandras, headed home today, so we thought we’d honour Tommy with a sendoff photo at Wal-Mart. The ‘Cheese’, as it’s lovingly displayed by my silly husband :). The true adventure began however at my favourite salad bar…

Exploring Manteo

Roanoke Island is not really an Outer Bank, but rather an island that connects the mainland of North Carolina to the Outer Banks. It is considered one of the most historically significant places in America as “the first actual colony was on Roanoke Island, settled by a group of people sent off to the Americas…


Return to Burnaby

Alas, all good things must come to an end. We were fortunate to have 3 whole days on the farm midweek. A treat considering slaDE~ is the full-time Tandem Instructor during the week at Skydive Burnaby. Seems that the rainy weather was on our side :). Before leaving, Dad had to give Lady a penicillin…