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Nerves of Aluminum Steel

Day 1 of Alumapalooza: Today was the day! At 9am, with much anticipation (mixed with a healthy dose of nervousness), slaDE and I took front row and centre stage at the Alumapalooza main tent to offer some basic yoga stretches, along with ‘Healthy Living on the Road’ tips. I wasn’t certain as to what our turnout might be, so early…

Zorbing in Tennessee

Zorbing in Tennessee

Zorbing: Why should hamsters have all the fun? Zorbing, first developed in New Zealand, involves hanging out in a giant plastic ball and rolling down a hill. It’s not as painful as it sounds, though: there’s a smaller ball within the large one, something that makes it a shock absorber. You have two options here: strap…


San Diego FuN

The weather was rather windy and cloudy today. A good day to explore the area and play tourist. And what better place than touring San Diego, hanging out with an old friend who I haven’t seen in over 10 years? I was actually looking forward to introducing my husband~ to Duffy … they’ve known of…


Olympic Hockey

Today was all about the hockey. The skies were blue and freshly cleaned after a tremendous deluge of rain last night. A perfect day to go skydiving. But our priorities were in order and the Men’s Olympic Hockey Game between Canada and the USA was the only matter of importance on our agenda today.  Who…

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Nesting in SoCal

slaDE~ and I made the commitment today to spend a couple of weeks stationed here at Skydive Elsinore. I’m excited! We haven’t remained stationary for more than a week since leaving Texas. I’m feeling the need to nest. Get myself organized. Start on my tax prep. Stuff. Important matters that are hard to attend to…


Southward bound

It was a debate until the end …. should we or shouldn’t we? Highway 1 is one of the most spectacular coastline drives ever, or so I think, in comparison to my many years of travelling. slaDE~ has never had the privilege of exploring south of Monterey on California State Route 1. And I so…