
Grapevine troubles

Feeling in an auspicious mood, hubby and I set out on the road early, anxious to make our way through to Northern California, escaping the chaos of Los Angeles. The views of the surrounding mountains were breathtaking, but I could sense the impending stormy weather, The temperature was slowly dropping and rolling clouds were moving…

Road warriors

Go figure. The day that we decide to leave Arizona, the weather is absolutely breathtaking! And the forecast for California? A forecast of storms, storms, and more storms (rain AND snow, believe it or not). Such is life on the road. A gamble. Roll the dice and hope for those double digit temperatures :), with…

Up In The Air

Last night we saw a really fabulous movie. “Up in the Air” is a movie about the realities of life ….. love, loss, relationship, deception, passion, humour, sadness twinged with both the ugliness and beauty of life. All this wrapped up into a messy yet tidy 1 hour 49 minute movie. I love a film…

Sandblasted by the storm

An epic storm here in Arizona …. the rain they’ve received in the last 24 hours (between 5-7 inches) amounts to more than 1/2 of what Arizona receives in a year. One can only imagine the repercussions …. flash flooding, power outages, sand storms, tornado watches. All this whilst we wiled the day and night…

Klutz. I. am.

A shorter road trip today brought us into Eloy Arizona. Glorious mountains with tremendous gusting headwinds made for a scenic fuel-guzzling drive. As we made our way off the highway towards the drop zone, a decision to turn around and diesel up before a rocky night with an empty fuel tank. I stepped out in…