Klutz. I. am.

A shorter road trip today brought us into Eloy Arizona. Glorious mountains with tremendous gusting headwinds made for a scenic fuel-guzzling drive. As we made our way off the highway towards the drop zone, a decision to turn around and diesel up before a rocky night with an empty fuel tank. I stepped out in the dark when we were turning our beast around, and when racing back to the truck, tripped on the rock hard asphalt and tore open both my hands and left knee. I truly believed that I may have cracked my patella, but was willing to give my throbbing swollen road rash-ed knee a chance to possibly calm down and turn around in a positive way. Please, oh please, be well (or at least not broken / fractured!). Ice became my best friend through the long sleepless night.

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  1. Well, I am sorry to hear you got a boo-boo. I hope your knee is all better. I kiss it! The weather has been awesome here and you should see little feller he is growing like a weed and his little cripple leg has almost completely healed!

    Please take care on your journey and heal quick!

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