It feels as if we’ve been planning today’s Lululemon yogaFLIGHT community workshop in Beverly Hills for ever. But in reality, it’s only been 3 weeks in the making. So in an effort to be early for our 9am start, we arose super early in case of any blips that might arise. Luckily, our Saturday morning…

Life as we know it

I know, it’s been almost a month without a posting from moi! I’m feeling rather sad at the fact that I haven’t posted anything about our spectacular trip to Florida with our nieces and their family. It was so INCREDIBLE. Maybe someday soon I’ll catch up 😉 However, the hectic lifestyle of a full-time working…

Time sure flies

Oh how time flies! The summer is almost gone and SO much has happened. I’ll have to backdate my posts: our trip to Nelson; our birthday wedding; Aaron and Otto’s union. Just not enough time in the days, especially with a full-time job and yoga on the side. I am the first to admit, it…

Solstice Blessings

With each change of the season, it is wonderful to reconnect with the fortunes and grace which fill my life and body. Thursday was the 20th anniversary of my brother Kenny’s death. A day of reverence for me, to the higher power which giveth light, darkness, life and death. A lesson to be acknowledged each…


77/366. To find such a place to practice, basking in the sunlight, in an empty vast room with wooden floors and beautiful surroundings. This is what yogi dreams are made of …..



74/366. To be so supple, effortless, strong like Andrew Eppler in my yoga practice is something I strive for and dream of … This photo was taken on retreat in Goa, India 4 years ago. I was lucky to be able to spend time with Andrew, Danny Paradise, Nancy Gilgoff and David Swenson while I…

Coming into alignment, coming into breath

Having put my back out on Friday, I surely didn’t feel like particpating in Ally’s tremendously challenging and amazing classes. However, I did feel that attending her class would be an awesome opportunity to actually assist, in both adjustments of alignment and in facilitating proper technique demonstrations. In truth, a student will be my biggest…

Never again

Ok, this might be a bit too personal for your preferences … so stop here! Never again: will I eat a load of raw vegetables before yoga class (even 2 hrs before). With each twist during my practice, I could feel a surging air pocket within me gasping to be released. Flatulence during yoga is…