To find such a place to practice, basking in the sunlight, in an empty vast room with wooden floors and beautiful surroundings. This is what yogi dreams are made of …..
To find such a place to practice, basking in the sunlight, in an empty vast room with wooden floors and beautiful surroundings. This is what yogi dreams are made of …..
This weeks task: anything in nature that’s red! It could be red leaves, red animals, red sunsets. Anything, as long as the photo has red in it and includes nature. Ah yes, sigh, I’m behind AGAIN! I’ll endeavor to catch up today and post a bunch. But NO promises though, eh?!
It’s been a while since feeling this excited at wanting to pounce out of bed and start my day (our wedding day and Skydiving in to the Blue Hole were both similar in depth and sentiment). An incredible surge of emotion welled within me from the time I opened my eyes … exaggerated and self-indulgent feelings…