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Day 3 of Alumapalooza: Morning yoga. Opening up the body, enlivening the spirit, gifting the world with light, love and energy. What better way to start our days at Alumapalooza? After our Yoga and Healthy Living workshop, participants of this glorious Airstream rally were excited about the prospect of morning yoga classes. I don’t know why I…

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Nerves of Aluminum Steel

Day 1 of Alumapalooza: Today was the day! At 9am, with much anticipation (mixed with a healthy dose of nervousness), slaDE and I took front row and centre stage at the Alumapalooza main tent to offer some basic yoga stretches, along with ‘Healthy Living on the Road’ tips. I wasn’t certain as to what our turnout might be, so early…


Ashram life

For the third day in a row, we’ve managed to miss our 6am morning meditation because we overslept the alarm on our new cell phone. Perhaps we are so used to slaDE~s other cell alarm (5 years of consistent 4 snooze breaks before departure from bed) that we’re unable (or unconsciously unwilling?) to adapt to…


On a Mission

The last day of our ‘Heart to Hand‘ workshop … a truly lovely weekend with some fabulous yogis of like mind and passion. Very much like our Yoga Teacher Training in that the pace was steady with so much relevant information, but it seemed a much more relaxed environment. Just a very different style. Kristie…

Heart to Hand

Not only could the workshop be called ‘Heart to Hand’, another worthy name also descriptive of the opulence might be ‘Heavenly Food to Stomach’.  I have died and gone to food heaven. Oh divine coconut sweet potato soup!!!! Two hours later and man, I’m still full from the creamy delights of 1 1/3 bowls! Probably…