A New Arrival

The day had arrived. Time for us to hitch up our trailer and make our way north. Our friend Amy has been on the verge of giving birth for what seems like forever :). And just in the knick of time for our departure, little Beckett Miles Wernig was born. The beauty of being Camping…



I haven’t played charades since I was a child, but today, I was introduced to a new game called Dekan (Naked spelled backwards :)). Seven new friends joined in on the fun with slaDE and I. Each person had to list a person, place and thing on separate pieces of paper. All the items were…

Creative Casting

Creative Casting

What a busy day! Amy is, as of today, now considered “full term” in her pregnancy (meaning that if she were to go into labor now, the baby’s lungs would likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb). So you can imagine the excitement in the house, with so much going…

Bored Skydivers

Bored Skydivers

Windy, tempestuous days at Skydive Houston. It feels like the whole Winter has been winded out here in Texas, and hence not much jumping has been going on. This equates to a bunch of bored skydivers. What does one do?? Below is a pictorial of some our activities and antics during the off-peak jumping times.

A Texan Wedding

With the Boogie in Belize officially starting today, we had to have a very special reason for not actually attending the opening ceremonies. The venue? A Texan wedding: our friends Ashley Leyva and Cody Holsey would be tying the knot. San Antonio was the city, and that meant catching a ride with our friend Stacey…

Maniacal Monday

Maniacal Monday

The folks of SDH are hard-core Jagermeister drinkers. Personally, I can’t stand the taste of this liquor … it’s sickly sweet with overtones of liquorice. Ewwww! But the weather was foul and Maniacal Monday was planned. slaDE~ was keen to jump on board. The rules go as such: at 1:11 pm = 1 shot of…


Nothing like home

The weather was miserably cold and rainy from the day’s beginning, and the beer light was turned on quite early, considering all the tandems had been turned away and most skydivers had either packed up shop to go home or had declined to even show up, with the carry-over from yesterdays shifting weather front. Another…