Christmas in Florida

I find it so interesting, waking up to Florida sunshine and warmth on this day of holiday celebration, instead of the traditional cold snowy wintry mornings of a Canadian Christmas. I feel blessed to share this day with friends and my husband, lucky enough to have the opportunity to jump out of an airplane as…

Creating New Beginnings

“We build too many walls and not enough bridges.” ~ Isaac Newton “Love builds bridges where there are none.” ~ R. H. Delaney Who said that you had to build just bridges in order to create new beginnings?? Today, slaDE and Michael built a ramp for our newly-minted Canadian friend Minna. It was incredible to witness these men…



Yesterday, our friend Thomas ‘Toma’ Medbury from Frontier Skydivers, a man we’ve known for about 8 years, passed away from his critical injuries from the plane crash last Sunday. It was truly a miracle that up until then, all 6 passengers on board survived the crash, 5 walking away. When a fellow skydiver dies in…