Airstream Factory Tour

Touring the Airstream factory in Jackson Center, Ohio was one of my shining moments on this trip. To many non-RVers, this may sound rather boring and a stretch of imagination, considering the life we’ve led in our journeys over the past 6 months. However, if you have ever owned, travelled or stayed in an Airstream,…

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Arising early, we got off to one of quickest morning starts yet on this adventure. The fog was dense as pea soup, which made for rather precarious driving as militant drivers grew impatient, with following behind us in the mire, and would pull out dangerously close to oncoming traffic in an attempt to bypass our rather…


Grapevine troubles

Feeling in an auspicious mood, hubby and I set out on the road early, anxious to make our way through to Northern California, escaping the chaos of Los Angeles. The views of the surrounding mountains were breathtaking, but I could sense the impending stormy weather, The temperature was slowly dropping and rolling clouds were moving…

On the road again.

slaDE~ and I had planned to leave early morning, making our way through Texas along scenic US90, perhaps making it through to El Paso in one day. But fate had other ideas in mind. You see, Barbie the new Mother goat, died this morning, along with her first born who succumbed to this fate shortly…


Arizona bound

It’s been a fun week of living on the farm, experiencing the joys of birth and the lows of flooding. Exploration beyond our corralled walls was actually contained to a minimum from our usual convention of adventurous exploration, flying by the seat of our pants. The expansion this week came from within, delving into the…

Hunkering down

Well, we survived through night 1 of the Arctic blast. Our pipes seem intact (only after pulling my husband away from the boob toob to drain the pipes and shut off the valve to the now frozen water line) but the electricity went out sometime in the night. The only reason that I know it…