Airstream yogaFLIGHT (aka Coming Home)
Today was just another day in the world of sKY and slaDE in our life on the road. We planned to do some shopping at the Airstream store and then try to get away at a decent hour so that we could bypass traffic in Toledo and Detroit. But before our departure, slaDE wanted to introduce yogaFLIGHT to a Canadian couple from Sechelt, British Columbia who are travelling the world in their PanAmerican Airstream, with their lovely dog Violet. Laurie and Gary are about our age, who are happy active Snowbirds like us, spending approximately 6 months of their time in Canada and 6 months in the USA .
So right in the middle of the Airstream Customer Service lobby, slaDE lay out his mat and demoed yogaFLIGHT. What a sight to behold! A small crowd gathered around Laura flying. So mesmerized was Charles (a curious bystander) in watching what the body could do upside down in yogaFLIGHT, he was fully up for the adventure of trying it! I would guestimate that Charles is in his mid-70’s, and Charles was not at all intimidated by his age and unknown capabilities. Very impressive indeed! Gary was up next. And then we felt the need to make our way northbound, attempting to avoid traffic. It was only after we purchased our final goodies from the Airstream store that we ran in to a unique couple from Arizona. As it turns out, Charron and Alexander had somehow heard of us and yogaFIGHT through some of their friends on facebook. It was an interesting phenomenon to meet 2 strangers who knew us because of yogaFLIGHT reputation. Perhaps it had something to do with their unique ‘Airstream roadshow’ talents: Charron is a tattoo artist, and both of them are sword swallowers (website link).
As we made our way through the remains of Ohio and Michigan, I had these interesting sensations of completion set in to the core of my belly. That feeling of ‘coming home’, although we towed our physical address behind us in the form of our 34.5 foot Airstream trailer. Although the boundaries between the USA and Canada is a topographically fixed entity, the actual differences between the two countries, its people and culture is surprisingly idiosyncratic and noteworthy. Hard to explain, unless of course you’re a Canadian and reading this :).
Crossing the border was once again, literally a breeze. Not only did the lovely Custom’s Officer question us politely and succinctly, she not once bothered to look at our Airstream, let alone get up to examine it or the truck’s contents. Amazingly blessed each and every time that our transition across borders is with ease and comfort. Of course we have nothing to hide, having all of our purchase receipts at the ready with factual dates and times available if questioned thusly. However, it just rounds out our trip experience to the fullest when one is not deemed a ‘delinquent’, which can often be the case when crossing between countries (and I proffer this up, banking from my own vast personal travel experience from the past 24 years).
They say: ‘Home is where the heart is’. I’d like to extend that to ‘Home is where the heart is and the roots have been firmly planted in one’s soul, physically, mentally and familiarly.’ Canada and Family will always be my home away from home. Having the ability to return to both my Mother and Father’s different farms has me melt back into the memories of yesteryear, of which my soul has grown far beyond measure and flight. Blessed be to have this home to return to whilst my parents live on. Blessed be.