The Best Guacamole Recipe!
In our travels this winter, we’ve come across a plethora of avocados. Sinfully delicious and oh so healthy for you (next to olives, an avocado is highest in monounsaturated fatty acids ~ 20%). As stated on ‘The Juicing for Health‘ website: “The monounsaturated fats and the wholesome nutrition [of an avocado] helps the basal metabolic rate, and reduce overeating.” Also, did you know that an avocado can: Lower your cholesterol level and increase your immune system? Long live avocados and guacamole!!!
- 8 large avocados, chopped
- 2 large tomatoes, chopped
- 1 large onion, chopped
- 3 small serrano chiles, finely chopped
- 1 bunch cilantro, finely chopped
- Juice of 3 lemons
- Salt and pepper
- Tortilla chips, for serving
Here are some great rules to follow when looking to make the perfect guacamole:
– Use the ripest avocados you can find. Organic in all your ingredients is great, if you can find these.
– Lemons are for guacamole, limes are for salsa.
– Try serrano peppers instead of jalapeños.
– Skip the garlic.
– Save the mixing until the end.
Just joined your website!. How can I get past-recipes?. I am an-uncontrolled diabetic and my doctor is watching me like a hawk,so whatever you send me will be approved by my doctor. Thank you very much for your help. Edward Davis.
Thank you Edward! You can search through the blog with tags to find recipes. I offer some vitamix (blender & healthy) recipes + several others. Good luck!
The recipe looks amazing but do you know how to keep the guacamole from turning black???
The lemons help the avocado from turning black.
Once the avocado fruit has been cut and the contents mashed, an enzyme released from inside the cells of the avocado flesh starts causing the pulp to turn brown in the presence of oxygen. Placing the pit on top of the guacamole keeps oxygen away from the area directly in contact with the pit. The surrounding area not covered by the pit still turns brown.