
A walk down memory lane

skateboarding funMy family came to visit us at Skydive Burnaby on Tuesday morning. I was really looking forward to spending time with my older sister and her son Forrester, as it has been way too long since we’ve shared a vacation together. Dad was bringing his 5th wheel Titanium 34 foot trailer along for the ultimate in camping experience, which they in turn parked beside us for the ultimate in convenience and proximity. With the beach only a quick 12 minute walk away, swimming inLake Erie would be one of the highlights of our time spent together.

Dad bike

With picture perfect weather, Blue and I walked down to the beach, whilst slaDE towed the boys on their skateboards with a borrowed bicycle. Dad enjoyed a leisurely exploration of the area on his freecycled 10 speed, perusing all the antique tractors used by locals to tow their boats down to the Lake’s edge.

Of all the pinnacle moments of the two days spent together, my favourite highlight were moments shared watching scanned slides from our childhood. With my memory being somewhat foggy for much of my youth, having a running commentary from Dad and Blue on each and every photograph was truly priceless. The sort of moments that I wish I could capture forever, a digital voice recording of sorts would have been ideal.

slaDE ran the whole show, starting from the early days of our youth right through to our adolescent years (in the process of scanning 1000’s of slides, I had each photo categorized in yearly folders from 1966 to 1989), connecting our HD TV to the laptop and navigating whilst we sat back and enjoyed our stroll down memory lane. Priceless entertainment. Just wish my Mom and younger sister could have been here!


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