Partner Yoga Workshop

Partner Yoga Workshop

It’s really quite lovely to spend some quality time with my husband. He works full-time during the week, and then on the weekends, he’s skydiving. At the moment, that doesn’t leave much quality one-on-one time. However, we just had a most incredible date this past week. So why not carry on with some more fun…

Yoga On and Off the Mat

Yoga On and Off the Mat

I was wanting a change from my regular bodyweight cardio workout (aka Callisthenics). Something different but intriguing, pushing my comfort zone but enjoyable. So I tried for a bit of variation and actually did a full yoga workout DVD (I have a challenging time trying to keep focused on a yoga DVD …. it usually takes me…

Best Date Ever
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Best Date Ever

It was date night: 1 month shy of our anniversary, but I wanted to make it an all-together different, fun and memorable rendezvous! I’ve been secretly planning this date with my husband for a month now. When I worked with my skydiving buddy Jill at the CNE, she spoke about her friend Peter, who happens…

A Duality of Sorts

A Duality of Sorts

I find myself holding back in my writing, in part by my desire to fill this blog with beautiful photos and whimsical articles of education and delight. Yet my inability to provide is slogging me down. And I find myself 2 months behind in my writing. What happened?  I was doing so well in keeping…

Wedded Bliss

Wedded Bliss

I love long weekend weddings especially when it involves good friends who happen to be skydiving playfellows! Brian and Carissa Bell had an incredibly beautiful day with the impending bad weather holding off until after the ceremony (how blessed was that??!). The wedding itself was beautiful and memorable. The bride was shining in her happiness, almost…

The EX & Sitting

The EX & Sitting

Today begins my shiftwork at the CNE  (The Canadian National Exhibition). Several weeks ago, Skydive Toronto approached us to see if we (slaDE and myself) wanted to work during the 18 days of the Ex. With slaDE going back to work with Rebar, I felt that it was vitally important for me to also add…

Tandem a-gO-gO

Tandem a-gO-gO

slaDE has happily found a dropzone to work at for the summer. His goal, first and foremost, teach people how to fly, and secondly, earn some money throwing drogues. Layman speak: taking people for a tandem skydive. With the Sigma Tandem System that Skydive Toronto uses, slaDE must maintain a certain currency since his previous jump,…