
Oil Slick Woes

I’ve held back on speaking of the catastrophic oil spill in the Gulf. My heart is incredibly heavy, thinking about the dire damage to Mother Earth and the delicate ecosystem in our oceans, which WILL eventually filter up through our food and water chain. The desecration of our Ocean and the life contained within is beyond comprehension (at 5000 feet below the surface), especially when it appears that coverups are occurring, lost amidst all the finger pointing and the rising tides of blame. More than a month has passed (40 days to be exact), and the oil continues to spew at alarming rates with no clear solutions in sight. A toxic stew of environmental and political magnitude.

Huffington Post reported that:

A thick, 22-mile plume of oil discovered by researchers off the BP spill site was nearing an underwater canyon, where it could poison the foodchain for sealife in the waters off Florida. With the hopes of breaking up the plume, BP is using 100,000 gallons of dispersants (1/3 of the world’s supply) on the oil, further contaminating the ocean with harmful chemicals.

soiled birdNot enough research has been done on the wide-scale use of such compounds. In fact these chemicals are amplifying an evolving never-experienced-before catastrophe, with no end in sight.

What’s the worst case scenario? Even if they plug the well tomorrow? The present repercussions and tally thus far: dead animals, contaminated wildlife sanctuaries, black beaches, and livelihoods ruined. Add to the mix, the impending hurricane storm season. High winds may distribute the oil over a wider area whilst also mixing the waters of the Golf, dispersing the oil further. Add to that, a hurricane force storm could push all this oil in to the coast where an incredibly fertile estuary exists with abundant life taking place. For example, the Monterey Bay Aquarium cites that the magnificent Atlantic bluefin tuna arrive in the Gulf to spawn in April and May every year, and in waters at the heart of the oil spill. Deep breath. Pray and meditate for all those in the south. They’re in for a bumpy ride. Who knew that the sludge would hit the fan deeper than Katrina’s forces?

With failure comes the opportunity for tremendous learning opportunities and change. If anything, perhaps now is the time that we can do the right thing by our oceans. For example, seeking out and developing alternative energy sources. A big question lies in how quickly is it practical to shift without hurting the economy and outpacing science? By empowering individuals to end their oil dependance through small lifestyle changes, such as: promoting electric vehicles, investing in light rail, creating pedestrian- and bike-friendly communities and exploiting alternatives such as natural gas, we as a society have the capability to assume action now. Take control of what’s possible rather than place ones power with Politicians and the large oil companies who have vested interests in the power of energy.

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  1. I feel so blessed to have clean country air to breath and fresh clean water. I am so far removed from the source of environmental catastrophe but nonetheless, feeling it important to educate myself on what's happening around our World and trying to do what I can as an individual to live make eco-sustainable​ decisions. Please, please, please, if everyone did this, we could make a huge difference in the world we live in. Honour your Mother Earth and take small steps every day to live a clean sustainable healthy life. (ie cut back on your use of disposable products / plastics, such as water bottles, etc). Start by watching the film "Addicted to Plastics". This film will change your life and view point. http://www.cryp​ticmoth.com/pla​stic.php.

  2. I am so disheartened and angry about this also. It breaks my heart. It makes me sick to think of the environmental propaganda that was fed to us as children. Nothing has changed. It was all a big fat lie. Wipes tears and prays for the Womb of the M

  3. I feel so blessed to have clean country air to breath and fresh clean water. I am so far removed from the source of environmental catastrophe but nonetheless, feeling it important to educate myself on what's happening around our World and trying to do what I can as an individual to live make eco-sustainable decisions. Please, please, please, if everyone did this, we could make a huge difference in the world we live in. Honour your Mother Earth and take small steps every day to live a clean sustainable healthy life. (ie cut back on your use of disposable products / plastics, such as water bottles, etc). Start by watching the film "Addicted to Plastics". This film will change your life and view point. http://www.crypticmoth.com/plasti

  4. I am so disheartened and angry about this also. It breaks my heart. It makes me sick to think of the environmental propaganda that was fed to us as children. Nothing has changed. It was all a big fat lie. Wipes tears and prays for the Womb of the Mother.

  5. I am so disheartened and angry about this also. It breaks my heart. It makes me sick to think of the environmental propaganda that was fed to us as children. Nothing has changed. It was all a big fat lie. Wipes tears and prays for the Womb of the Mother.

  6. I feel so blessed to have clean country air to breath and fresh clean water. I am so far removed from the source of environmental catastrophe but nonetheless, feeling it important to educate myself on what's happening around our World and trying to do what I can as an individual to live make eco-sustainable decisions. Please, please, please, if everyone did this, we could make a huge difference in the world we live in. Honour your Mother Earth and take small steps every day to live a clean sustainable healthy life. (ie cut back on your use of disposable products / plastics, such as water bottles, etc). Start by watching the film "Addicted to Plastics". This film will change your life and view point. http://www.crypticmoth.com/plastic.php.

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