ESP and the great outdoors
I wish the ESP program I learned today, for work, was as interesting as the normal coined phrase involving Extrasensory Perception. Not so … alas, it involves something a bit more benign. ESP stands for Environmental Scheduling Personnel …. a payroll software program that I must learn in order to coordinate the hours of my department’s Dental hygienists and staff before the data is sent off to the CHR Scheduling Office.
I’ve never been a fan of dealing with accounting (sorry Ed), and am somewhat ambivalent to this aspect of my new job, especially after the 2 hour training that I suffered through ;). But, again, it’s hard to turn my back on the 5 minute walk to work and the relatively shining wage that I’m supposed to receive (with a 70 cent raise April 1st!).
After my class, I took the LRT (Light Rail Transit) south to meet slaDE~ close to where he is working at the moment. From there, we were going on an extra special shop, for the weekend! Robin had invited us to her cabin in Golden, BC for the weekend and we were over-the-moon excited at getting away and expeirenicng the glories of nature. Her cabin is more like a house, but without all the well-loved amenities, such as running water and indoor plumbing. Regardless, slaDE~ and I were looking forward to the step-back into nature and the beloved mountains that we have come to love since our early childhoods.