Return to Burnaby
Alas, all good things must come to an end. We were fortunate to have 3 whole days on the farm midweek. A treat considering slaDE~ is the full-time Tandem Instructor during the week at Skydive Burnaby. Seems that the rainy weather was on our side :).
Before leaving, Dad had to give Lady a penicillin shot for a laceration on her hind ankle that wasn’t quite healing (she keeps licking the Boron spray making it raw and open to flies, infection and such). I’ve never seen such a huge needle! But Lady took the shot in stride.
Packed up and ready to go, we made our way back to the drop zone, enjoying a few photo ops along the route. On our way through Kitchener, we stopped off at the Best Buy store to see if we could get a warranty replacement on our Garmin 765WT. We’ve only had it for 6 months, and the GPS charger is already broken. Very sucky, considering that Best Buy wouldn’t replace or fix the unit … bought in the USA and it needs to be returned to the manufacturer (Garmin) rather than to the BB store.
Ho hum. Might buy the extended warranty on our next unit. The GPS as well has already give us difficulties and keeps rebooting for no apparent reason, at least 2-3 times per week (when we’re heavy travelling on the road). However, we find that the GPS is a useful tool for our lifestyle, and
Garmin seems to have the best GPSs out there on the market. Any experiences with a GPS that you’d like to share??