
The Accumulation of Stuff

All I can say now is: wish me luck! Our time for the cubby restructuring is slowly nearing completion. Yet although the end of my monumental organizational task appears in sight, it is still a distant stretch from the completion of all my belongings being sorted, packed away and returned to the cubby storage space. This time around: out of sight is not necessarily out of mind! Now I know exactly what I have and where it’s at. I’m keeping focussed during this process and my days are growing longer as we get closer to our departure date for Ohio. To be honest, I never thought this possible within the time constraints of two weeks. But here I am, two weeks later, and I am almost finished! Many thanks to my committed husband, who has supported, helped and stood by me though the entirety of my process. Without his amazing strength and passion, I don’t think that I could have done this as effortlessly or with as little pain as I have done thus far. And with this task behind me, I will have more time for my hubby when at the farm (if I need something from the cubby, I’ll know what and where it is). It’s about the connecting with people that truly is our most precious resource.

As has been my ‘rule’ in the Airstream, when something comes in (apart from food and necessary household items), something must leave, making space for the new. It’s about being more selective about the things we buy and taking care of those items. Quality over quantity. And honestly, I think I outfit myself from our current Airstream closet for the rest of my life without running out of combinations or styles. Do I really need 5 jackets, 5 sweater, 15 t-shirts, 8 pairs of shoes? I suppose this all depends on whether I choose a different path outside of airstream living where I might need to work a ‘typical’ office job, for financial reasons (???!!) Check out this TED video for inspiration on Jessi Arrington’s lifestyle choices with her clothes. It’s amazing! If people chose to be thrifty in their lives as she does and reduced / reused / recycled / donated their wardrobes instead of buying new clothes (i.e. yesterday I went to the Mall and all the new, often poor quality, clothing was overwhelming), what a difference we could all make, both environmentally and on a deeper more meaningly level of humanitarian kindness based on love, not lust for material things.

Next step, organizing my digital life (and that includes redesigning our yogaFLIGHT website).

And now, I ask, please, whatever you do, don’t give / send me any gifts. If I need it, I’ll buy it. And if I don’t need it, you can almost guarantee that I probably already have it :). This will help me tremendously in the path of simplicity that I’m looking to follow. Wish me luck!

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One Comment

  1. I like this quote by Jack Bennett of http://thirtytwothousanddays.com/blog:

    “an “N-things minimalist” is likely to be very, very critical about adding something new to the portfolio of N things that they own / carry. To replace one of those things, a new object must add more value in utility than it takes away in the form of physical or emotional weight.”

    In other words, in order to add a desirable object to my repertoire, it must be worth it both physically and emotionally useful.

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