Miso Soup. So gooD!

Unpasteurized Sweet Brown Rice Miso Soup
A single serving of the best stuff on Earth. Easy.

Miso, taken every once in a while, is an all-natural, 100% hearty probiotic. Mix it with some sea vegetables and you’ve got a mineral-rich, liquid-multivitamin no tablet could ever step-to.


1-2 tablespoons Sweet Brown Rice Miso (or any unpasteurized Miso paste) 1 small handful of Instant Wakame Seaweed
14 ounces spring water

Directions: Toss the miso paste and seaweed in a small glass or ceramic bowl. Fill with spring water warm enough to bathe in. (If it’s too hot, the living enzymes and probiotics in the miso will be destroyed.

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