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Memories of the great King
Michael Jackson …. a huge influence on my beloved music style, growing up. Oh how I thrilled to dance along with his awesome music videos. I had all of his early vinyl records (wonder where they are now?) and often plastered my bedroom walls with his handsome rockstar King smile (always with a twinkle in…
Life is like photography … it’s ALL about the framing
Joy and I enjoyed a lovely leisurely walk down the country lanes and roads of Hawkesville. I truly enjoy our jaunts; Joy is ever so patient and understanding when I erratically stop mid-sentence to capture that perfect picture. She noticed from day one that I have the eye of a quality photographer … I just…
Return from Innocence
I spent the morning collecting and readying myself for the journey home. So much had happened over the last 4 weeks that it was going to be rather interesting to live the experience of transitioning from my life in Guatemala and to a life back home in Canada. The question of for how long and…
Global Warming – Gore hits the nail on the head
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You ARE what you eat!
Is there such thing as a cure for Diabetes?? Well, here is a video that shows that potentially, there might be …. and it involves a complete lifestyle change: raw food, all the way. Below is a short clip featuring a documentary about a group of people that went raw for 30 days, and the…