changing plans
Heidi, Rene, Shefali and I were supposed to leave for the market in Chichicastenango today but after having dinner with 5 other students last night, discussing the whole impact of what happened to Caroline and Peter. We were disturbed enough and in wanting of a meeting held with the school and all the other students to find out exactly what had happened (story below as told by the school and Police). It perturbed me greatly to find that it needed our pushing for this gathering to happen rather than have the school initiate this convening. The reaction of males and even the locals is incredibly troublesome (notwithstanding our teachers and school directors). Violence is looked at as an everyday experience rather than as a problem that needs to be addressed. I PRAY (and please keep this dear woman and man in your prayers) that they will have the help and support to get over this traumatic event, and that they will mentally and physically be okay after the help of their community and support system. I truly can’t imagine what they are going through, both of them, but especially poor Caroline. My heart bleeds for them …. It so could have happened to me, at any time, especially Friday night, being out so late and leaving at the same time/living so close to Caroline.