
The heat is on!

gatorade is not an optionSummertime is just around the corner, and it’s important to keep hydrated, especially if you sweat a lot. Sweat is the body’s internal air conditioning, keeping you cool from the inside out. But with sweat comes a loss of electrolytes (i.e. sodium, potassium, and chloride = sweaty salty skin) and water.

Instead of reaching for your sports drink* (which often has awful artificial food dyes and colourings), try this natural sports drink recipe below (organic optional, of course) to keep your boost on, maintaining a hydrated, healthy and happy body.

500 ml water or coconut water (coconut water is nature’s sports drink)
Juice of 1 organic lemon
Juice of 1 organic lime
4-5 tbsp of organic maple syrup
Pinch of sea salt

Blend all these ingredients and enjoy!

* The main benefit sports drinks provide is hydration, which is why water is their most important component. Dehydration both decreases performance and is potentially life-threatening. Regular water intake is essential during exercise.

And here’s a recipe for an inexpensive protein drink — not for the lactose or dairy intolerant

To 2 scoops of skimmed milk powder, add 1 tablespoon of brown sugar and 1 apple. Blend and enjoy!

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