
Moving House

The day we were supposed to leave Zephyrhills, we were surrounded by a moat.The rain had pored solid for several hours through the night. It sounded like golf balls on the aluminum skin of our trailer. And when we woke up, a giant puddle emerged where the drop zone once stood. It just wasn’t our…

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Cheezy and Raw

A rainy day … great for adventures in shopping and dining with our friend Minna! Our friends, the Calandras, headed home today, so we thought we’d honour Tommy with a sendoff photo at Wal-Mart. The ‘Cheese’, as it’s lovingly displayed by my silly husband :). The true adventure began however at my favourite salad bar…

Catching uP

What a fabulous weekend! Catching up with girlfriends and friends of old, settling a hockey wager victory (go Team Canada, gO!) at Red Lobster with fast-fingered Lisa (crab cracker extraordinaire), and returning to Canada with no muss or fuss, bellies and hearts full, made for the ultimate culmination of a two week US journey where…

The Maly Wedding

I love Friday evening weddings. They remind me of when slaDE and I got married, Friday August 22, 2008. With Lisa and Mike having their ceremony at the very beginning of the weekend,  the entire two days are opened up to possibility and adventure. We were very blessed to have glorious weather for the whole…

a shower and a tear

Busy busy busy day! My work is moving from our current residence to Southport, a good long hike away from where we are currently. And also an hours more commute than what I have. No more leaving out the door last minute, or quick jaunts home enjoying a lazy lunch, for that matter. Sigh …….

Sex and Marriage

Marriage … ah the eternal debate over an institution filled with both flaws and promise. Should I or shouldn’t I? Can I risk to be vulnerable, interdependent, gambling against all the odds with no guarantees that life won’t throw a tire-iron my way? And if things go awry in a big way, what should I…

Sex and The City

I’ve been waiting, it feels like, FOREVER for this movie to finally come out. Where are my best girlfriends when I need and want them most?? Why in New York, in fact (and California — I miss you)! A signature cocktail in honor of Sarah Jessica Parker’s Sex & the City’s character, Carrie Bradshaw. The…