Raining babies
It’s been a quiet year of travel, stateside, for both slaDE and myself … Last year, we were over there almost every weekend, skydiving of course. However, today’s gathering was to celebrate the upcoming birth of Michael Anthony, son of Lisa (Whitmire) and Mike Maly. It’s has been absolute ages since I’ve been to a baby shower … Perhaps 20 years? The gathering of women was large as was the booty of gifts. WOW. The table was FILLED with lovely useful items for the newly budding family, reminiscent to that which one would receive at a wedding ceremony. Incredible really how things have changed since my last shower experience. However, Lisa is so well loved and admired and respected, I’m not REALLY that surprised at people’s generosity. My little Koala bear backpack stuffed full of clothing seemed small in comparison. But I must admit, the photo of slaDE tandeming the Koala (prior to the party) was priceless!

And wow, the blanket that Linda Gath knitted for Michael is stunning and oh so cre8tive. I admire her diligence and efforts!

Of course, all of our favourite skydiving girlfriends were in attendance (except for Laura and Debbie … you were missed!).
Sandy, Carol, Kelly, Diane, and Linda all looked beautiful. It was so delightful to catch up with these lovely ladies. Apart from the skydiving, this is what I miss most, our Frontier family of friends (FFOF — this could also mean freak flyers of Frontier ;), but hey, we’re not all freaKS).

It was so nice to see Lisa’s Mom and pregnant sister Tracy (both Lisa’s sisters are pregnant, due within 3 months of each other! Howse that for timing?!). Michael’s Mom looked really wonderful and youthful. Her first grandchild … Lovely.
We spent the evening hanging out with Lisa’s family back at their new house. Of course, it being winter, we had to reminisce and watch skydiving videos … The itch was starting (or has been, for me, for a while now). I had a peak at my stored parachute (one can dream) … Lisa is storing all my cool skydiving pictures and my rig whilst I travel … they might as well be useful to someone!
It was late, so we drove over to Sandy’s and spent the rest of our time hanging out with her and Tad. Life is treating us well … It’s so good to have the world be content and at peace, even if just in this moment.