Ode to the pancake
Slade was my hero today … despite the lack of sleep and his desire to lie in bed (for in at least 1 day of this week), he opted for the pull of a 1/2 day of overtime, traveling all the way to Hamilton. Our burgeoning dream of travel in a truck and trailer spurs him on, even in the most difficult of motivating times.
Wow, what a weekend this has turned to be. Joy was joyful in her exuberance to go for a walk with both John and myself on this chilly morning. 8am has come early … Boy, I was hopeful for a morning of luxurious quiet, but enjoyed our brisk pace as we were bypassed by a plethora of buggies on their way to church. In a flurry of cleaning up and savouring the peace, all was quiet until Anshu and Melinda (who had spent the night, enjoying the warmth of the fireplace) roused themselves to wakefulness. We made our way to Ed’s for a pancake breakfast, first stopping at John’s studio, admiring his hand-blown works of art and craftsmanship. It was kinda neat to find slaDE already there … I thought we’d make it there first, but we lollygagged, enjoying our lovely surroundings.
The pancakes were organic and filling, made with hemp protein and spelt flour. For someone who has never enjoyed pancakes, Ed has conquered and mastered the art of pancake-making! Lathering them in organic blueberries, bananas, maple syrup and butter made them a luxurious treat. The splendid hike through the forest was intense with photo taking and laughter. Ed’s hot pink wool sweater (adorned with brown horses) made for a colourful backdrop to hilarity and ardent conversation. I must admit, with 2 children (Oden and Tyrnen) accompanying our large group of friends, we had the best hike in my 10 years of coming to the farm. We topped the healthy day off with a long splendid cleanse in the farm sauna and pond. Burr! Sweaty naked bodies regaled stories of friendship and interesting insights in the midst of a steamy wooden vault .
Again slaDE and I made it back in time for yummy potluck leftovers and our weekly enjoyment of Desperate Housewives (slaDE might debate his enjoyment, yet he endures in good humour the episodes that we watch).