need a hug?
me too … here you go!
me too … here you go!
We were excited to be invited to the Awards dinner for the 2007 Visa Canadian Bobsleigh, Skeleton and Luge Championships. It was held at the Four Points Sheraton, across from Olympic Park, in way too small a room for all the athletes that showed up. The sense of being included in with such a clan…
SlaDE~ and I finally took the leap … we invested in our health and well-being whilst here in Calgary and bought a family membership to the local gym. Not only is it convenient and pure luxury, it’s only a 5 minute walk away from our apartment. This is absolutely fantastic! No more excuses to not…
Okay, I admit it. I am a HUGE fan of Harry Potter and I am itching to see the next movie out in July and read the final novel …. In the interim, however, I’ll have to hang onto the knowledge that JK Rowling is currently in the process of writing that final book in…
“We are all dancers. We use movement to express ourselves – our hungers, pains, angers, joys, confusions, fears – long before we use words, and we understand the meanings of movements long before we understand those of words.” ~~ Franklin Stevens
Can you believe it (I certainly can’t)? We’re seriously thinking about buying a house. Some sort of property to give us equity in economic times when investing in anything other than land and oneself seems to provide uncertainty and a bit of anxiety, considering the amount of $$ lost by many in the stock market….
For you techies out there who might be wondering why a proficient Dreamweaver user like myself would want to learn the functions of a mediocre program like Frontpage (the fact that it’s a Microsoft product already has me reeling), here’s the scoop. Part of my new job description with the Health Region is as their…