Lessons in Acro Yoga
As the fluid business of the past week settles in to my core, and I sit with the experiences of our Acro Yoga intensive 4 days, I listen instinctively to the valuable lessons that i’ve been blessed with. The biggest being:
Happiness formula = Doing MY best and feeling good about it whilst finding the value in my worth and efforts.
Unhappiness formula = Comparing myself to others. Or as Baron Baptiste has said: “when we focus on the things we can’t do, we lose sight of the things we can do”
The leaps and bounds in improvement and stability of my acro yoga (aka yogaFLIGHT) skills has been tremendous and somewhat overwhelming. If I were to compare myself and technique to others that participated in the throwdown, I was truly ‘nothing special’. A beginner at best. However, I still view the time spent with Eugene and Jessie and their acro crew and talents as inspirational models of beauty, grace and flight. I so admire their years of hard work in getting to where they soar effortlessly and beautifully. They are indeed all magnificent!
- Acro Yoga may look easy and fluid, but only because there has been much repetition, learning and practice (and perhaps falls from great height).
- engagement of the core and extension through my extremities makes all the difference
- by coming in to my centre, both physically and mentally, I am able to focus and shift any energies of fear and discomfort
- hand to hand does not equal death grip
- Acro Yoga maneuvers with a broken finger is not the best of ideas (although I wasn’t going to let it stop me!) — see the hand-to-hand point above 🙂
- success with Acro Yoga is similar to being on the Slackline. One needs to find both stillness and breath to keep balanced and focussed
- it’s okay to stay true to my desires and needs
- remember the laughter, the fun and the play! oh yes, and the FLIGHT!!!!
- from the acroyoga.com website: “In the pursuit of excellence we sometimes lose sight of why we were attracted to something. The joy and excitement we experienced can easily be replaced by obsessive striving, and a strong desire to ‘strike the pose’. In so doing we move away from our innate sense of discovery in favor of our attachment to completion.”