In the Spirit of Christmas
Okay this is way too funny …. SNL wins my vote this Christmas 🙂
Beware, quite racy!
Okay this is way too funny …. SNL wins my vote this Christmas 🙂
Beware, quite racy!
Marriage … ah the eternal debate over an institution filled with both flaws and promise. Should I or shouldn’t I? Can I risk to be vulnerable, interdependent, gambling against all the odds with no guarantees that life won’t throw a tire-iron my way? And if things go awry in a big way, what should I…
Our visit with my Mom a few weekends back has been a shining highlight of my stay here in Calgary. It was such a playful and joy-filled 3 days together. But as all good things, it came to an end far too quickly! * * * * Mom and slaDE~, 2 of my favourite people…
Sometimes its difficult to write about everything in my day that’s rather interesting, especially when I continuously find myself without much time in my day to sleep, let alone write or play :). So in a chaotic mess of verbosity, I’m going to list what I think are some interesting but very casual observations whilst…
Midday arrived all too suddenly … the snow had melted somewhat and icy roads were soggy rather than treacherous. We had arranged to meet my step-sister Lindsey in lake Louis for an afternoon of snowshoeing. Haven’t done that since I was a teen, so we were looking forward to discovering LL and all its delights….
Yesterday, the day started out beautifully — I found a yoga studio about 10 minutes from my homestay and the teacher was incredible. We practiced on straw mats (like those found at the beach) and in a small room, while listening to the local school band practice only blocks away. I stretched and soared unlike…