Happy Spring!
Today is the official vernal Equinox, otherwise known as the emergence and blossoming of Spring. For me, today holds much power as a day in the cycle of our Seasons. It is a time of Re-Birth … a season to plant abundant seeds of Joy and Happiness, nurturing them with Love, Respect and Gratitude. There is a definite shift in my consciousness, knowing that the days shall get Brighter, Warmer, Longer.
And with this attitude adjustment comes the graceful acknowledgment and indebtedness to those in my life who add to my spiritual growth. So many to bless with tears of renewal and love. The first of my tears flowed when I was welcomed by a simple envelope at my desk this morning. The generous gift certificates contained within spoke VOLUMEs of gratitude towards my efforts at offering yoga to my colleagues during lunch hour; the day before I had just completed my 20 hours of practicum teaching necessitated for my Yoga certification! My leap of faith at conquering my fears of teaching continues to pay itself back in so many unexpected ways …. With offering these classes, I wanted to gift the benefits of yoga to my co-workers in exchange for their time and presence. I dedicated any karmic donations to my charity choice of the Canadian Diabetes Foundation, and in the end raised $179. For this I am overjoyed and truly grateful; the generosity of my coworkers means a lot, especially with the significance to my family behind this charity, which hits so close to home.
Happy Spring and Easter to each and every one of you!