Favourites in my life
I bought my first Spanish ‘novel’ today … one of my favourites actually:: Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach. I’m really quite excited at the prospect of reading this short novel. Finding the time is another story!
Today our class all decided to go see the movie “The DaVinci Code” (2 for the price of 1, and at 10 qz that’s a bargain) … the film was in English but with Spanish subtitles. What I found kind of cool about this movie was the use of both the French and Latin language interchangeably throughout the film (small spurts) and because of the Spanish subtitles, quite often I understood what was being said by just reading the Spanish.
What an incredible fascinating absolutely fantastic movie. I really can’t wait to read the book. The movie kept me on the edge of my seat, never at once fully guessing or understanding the story/plot fully. I love this kind of plot, one which keeps me intrigued from beginning to end and has me thinking about the storyline far beyond the movie’s end. I highly recommend this to anyone, if you get the chance.