Quote for the day
Living well and beautifully and justly are all one thing
– Socrates
Living well and beautifully and justly are all one thing
– Socrates
Well it’s official. I’m famous :~). Joking! But I am privileged indeed to have had my prize-winning Hippo adventure story broadcast live over the CBC airwaves. How spectacular! So now it’s time to share. I’ve been alluding to this story for ages in my blog. And here’s the honest-to-goodness non-fictional tale which won us the…
Busy busy busy day! My work is moving from our current residence to Southport, a good long hike away from where we are currently. And also an hours more commute than what I have. No more leaving out the door last minute, or quick jaunts home enjoying a lazy lunch, for that matter. Sigh …….
Winding through the Osoyoos Rockies, returning from a lovely long weekend in Vancouver, my stomach is rumbling, twisting and turning as quickly as the road is catapulting us in every possible direction. Who would have thought that a skydiver / pilot like myself would get road sick as our bike-frenzied driver makes like he is…
Freecycle is unique in that you never know what can be stumbled upon. I actually saw an ad a few days ago for a 1964 Mercedes Benz … I was on it like a bee to honey, but the possibility, with 5000 Calgary members, is that there might be someone quicker than you in responding…
The MV-22 Osprey is a controversial Tilt-Rotor Aircraft that has now been deployed to Iraq (contentious because “Three fatal accidents during testing, questionable maintenance records and a one-time fluke in computer hardware have left critics claiming that the Osprey is fundamentally unsafe). This aircraft is a tiltrotor vertical / short takeoff and landing (VSTOL), multi-mission…
After finishing my morning yoga stretch class at the Talisman, I decided to make a quick beeline to the library before heading home. Prior to coming across the moving image (literally) of a man harnessed to a lone evergreen, I could smell the sweet tangible scent of pine oil, thick and heady (a wood chipper…