A fall day to remember
What a glorious splendid fall day … And the perfect opportunity to spend time with my nephew! I must admit, in all of his almost years I have never spent the afternoon with him alone where I had the chance to take him out to play or eat. Well I was blessed to have this chance not only with Forrest but also with slaDE~! I admire his natural cre8tivity, fun and inventiveness with children … I learn so much, just watching him interact with people. He’s definitely the social people-person of the family.
First Dad and Forrest dropped off the inversion table at our housesit that I’ve been craving to try out for an extended period of time. I am so looking forward to using it daily, in my attempts of straightening, strengthening and stretching my skydiving-compressed spine. The years have taken their toll and I am finding that attention to my health now is more of a necessity than ever. Having the space to use it for the remaining 6 weeks is a blessing and I want to make the most of it!
With the drop-off, we then followed the pair to the local mall so that Dad could buy Forrest a skateboarding birthday present. My nephew is SUCH a character! Seeing him in action is priceless … For example, I accompanied him into Shopper’s Drugmart; with some money that he had saved, it was vitally important for him to buy some ‘Axe’ body spray. Forrest is literally addicted to the stuff, spraying it on himself whenever he has the whim (or whiff ;)). Being privy to his first ‘Axe’ purchase, ever, was delightful … We laughed our way out of the store and then raced over to the cinema to watch the movie “Open Season”.
Next stop, the local skate park … I was quite impressed not just by the superb graffiti marking colourful the bowls and jumps, but by my nephews boarding capabilities. I feel that I’ve missed out on a lot as an Aunt, travelling around the globe during his growing years … Today was my day to make a small dent in the memories that he may hold of me (especially as one can never make up for lost time) and we made the most of it, cre8ting a rich memory bank of a brief moment in time. I am blessed, to have them both.