51 days and counting … where does our personal responsibility lie?
“Some 25 million to 39 million gallons of oil are estimated to have gone into the Gulf of Mexico since the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded on April 20, killing 11 workers.”
I want to provide you with a few excellent links to further educate yourself on the oil spills devastating effects:
A pictorial of the BP Oil Disaster … Forgive Us. http://www.greaterfool.ca/2010/06/04/forgive-us
Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Mote’s Response http://www.mote.org/index.php?src=gendocs&ref=Gulf%20of%20Mexico%20Oil%20Spill&category=Marine%20Policy%20Institute
A link for visualizing the BP Oil Disatser http://www.ifitwasmyhome.com
What happens to the oil when a hurricane strikes? http://www.businessinsider.com/what-happens-to-the-oil-when-a-hurricane-strikes-2010-6
Oil on the Water: The Physics of Oil Spills http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/37517080/ns/disaster_in_the_gulf

How many more days will this continue?? And what can I do in the here and now? Where does my personal responsibility lie? Is it time for a reset on the way that we live? Where can we make better choices in reducing our consumption of fuel, plastics and energy?
Examining the life we lead, slaDE~ and I currently tow our Airstream, our home, behind us as we pursue our dreams. I’m grateful for the relatively good fuel mileage that we get at approximately 15-17 mpg when towing the trailer, 22-25 mpg with the truck on its own. The question is, how can we reduce our reliance on fossil fuels? I’m seriously invested in finding a solution to alternative fuels, such as bio-diesel, to fuel our diesel truck. I would love to see the production of algae and kelp as an alternative fuel source. I wonder if kelp could be grown in the Gulf (kelp grows at astonishingly quick speeds), feeding on the hydrocarbons for energy in the spilled oil? We could go farther in living a cleaner greener more respectful energy efficient lifestyle … and solar power is one of the most attractive sustainable options that I’d love to add to the Airstream (our current solar panel is dysfunctional). Additionally, a solar oven perhaps? Continuing to use our solar water heater (a black plastic camp shower bag that heats up the water for washing dishes, etc) is a proactive solution which I enjoy. Eating locally grown organic food is a positive step to the greater good. Reducing (and recycling where necessary) our use of plastics is a biggie, especially as plastics originate from fossil fuels. Composting any organic matter (think digging holes across America), and recycling our belongings, allows us to keep our disposables out of the landfill … an incredible bonus. Any other ideas out there for maintaining a environmentally friendly lifestyle on the road?
As a side-note, jumping out of planes for recreation has me torn … a guilty passion which uses huge amounts of fuel. Not sure how to address this one without giving up on my dream of flight??!
Alone we must survive, but why not make it a better place for all? Nature helps us to thrive, be alive and blossom. The call is strong and alive, present in every media angle we may subscribe to. Stop pollution where you can, be vital, function beyond the extraordinary, make a difference and be an advocate and champion for our environment, our planet, our Mother Earth. Step by step, breath by breath, one by one, we CAN make a difference.
Our spirit may soar free,but why live life just for me!With time, I will stagnate and die.But can I do this before merging with the sky?Can I learn the lessons before crashing and burning?Or will I offer to others a bittersweet yearning …For comfort, for joy, for simple pleasures found in Nature.
Spreading my happiness at being one with my Mother,she that giveth plenty and to which I shall one day return.From dust to ashes I will bequeath my final responsibility.Returning to the Earth, to my roots, to my ancestors.The ultimate score. The life’s lessons, visions, touchings and inspirations which I may have left behind, fostered for future generations.Let your spirit soar in the least destructive way you know.Be kind to your Mother.For one day, you shall return.Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
~ © Katherine sKY:: Weishar