Sometimes signs don’t need words to depict what they are attempting to represent.
Also encountered on my walk to work.
Sometimes signs don’t need words to depict what they are attempting to represent.
Also encountered on my walk to work.
It’s been a while since feeling this excited at wanting to pounce out of bed and start my day (our wedding day and Skydiving in to the Blue Hole were both similar in depth and sentiment). An incredible surge of emotion welled within me from the time I opened my eyes … exaggerated and self-indulgent feelings…
A busy wonderful day spent with Maureen and Ardy: a decadently healthy breakfast fit for a King, slaDE initiating Maureen to the wonders of yogaFLIGHT, passing an hour at The Five Tibetans yoga studio (with the whole place to myself!), lunching at the Atrium in Waterloo with Maureen and her two medical friends, garage sale…