Photography 23/366 Byskydiva February 7, 2008July 3, 2010 23/366. Burner packing up the balloon on an absolutely beautiful night …. compressing the air out of the envelope.
Photography 50/366 Byskydiva March 4, 2008July 3, 2010 50/366. Sometimes signs don’t need words to depict what they are attempting to represent. Also encountered on my walk to work.
Photography 14/366 Byskydiva January 28, 2008July 3, 2010 14/366. Oh how I long to be buried in the sand, caressed by the sun’s rays and the ocean’s waters.
Friends & Family | Photography 5/366 Byskydiva January 19, 2008July 3, 2010 5/366. It was as if looking at myself when gazing at my sister’s reflection.
Photography 77/366 Byskydiva April 1, 2008July 3, 2010 77/366. To find such a place to practice, basking in the sunlight, in an empty vast room with wooden floors and beautiful surroundings. This is what yogi dreams are made of …..