Colours that make my heart grow beyond the realm of nature’s calling, drawing me like a butterfly to suckle on the sumptuous nectar called lovE.
Colours that make my heart grow beyond the realm of nature’s calling, drawing me like a butterfly to suckle on the sumptuous nectar called lovE.
You must be the change you wish to see in the world. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Every day, staying with Patrick and Ann, is an adventure and outing. Today, the fog had rolled in thick like pea soup. A perfect day to explore the length of Lido Key beach. Hardly a soul in sight as we combed this fine white sandy beach. The wind caressed our faces, the waves and our hair as…
Yes, another wonderful freecycle discovery has enriched our lives and the air that we breath in our humble abode … I am now the proud Mum to 5 delicate African Violet plants (my Mother’s favourite!). I just hope that I can give them the delicate green-thumbed touch that my Mom was born with and I’ve…