WordPress revisited
I am constantly amazed by the breadth and depth of WordPress‘ supreme capabilities. Or moreover, the developers who design such startling gorgeous and functional templates. And having had the pleasure of learning the nuances of the Atahualpa template we use for this blog, I am ready to take on designing for other clients who might be interested in developing their website in this fashion. But holy smokes, the choices for options and templates is beyond astounding! And with awesomeness of WordPress comes the backend coding. The learning curve thus far has been pretty steep and I haven’t taken that leap in to pursuing it with reckless abandon. But now an opportunity exists for a client who wants a website developed. So I’ve taken the plunge and have offered my design skills through this new-age forum. And it is through the researching of such a task that I’ve come to exploring the endless possibilities of the job I’m about to take on. Oh dear, what have I gotten myself in to??! Wish me luck! 🙂