The hunt for work and non-GMO food
It’s been interesting shopping here in Calgary, discovering the price differences between food back in Ontario vs in Alberta. I’m discovering that the local Community Natural Health Food store has really comparable (and sometimes cheaper) prices for their organic food, compared to that of the normal produce, say at Safeway (god forbid that I should single out this giant chain, which has no need for further marketing). I really like the thought of keeping our money within the local community, supporting our local farmers’ organics and trying to cut back on the GMO foods that fill the shelves (unbeknownst to many) of many a chain grocery store.
Actually, I put in an application for employment at the Community Health a few days ago, thinking that it might be a really great place to work (the workplace is very relaxed and newage-like, focused on natural healthy living). A true positive for our lifestyle and needs.
The job hunt is slow but I’m keeping positive, with an interview scheduled for tomorrow for a part-time position as an Interior Designer / Decorator at an upscale custom furnishings store. Quite different from my design background, but you never know until you try it!