Shifting into a different mode
Now that I’m starting to look for work, I wonder if this will be me??
Now that I’m starting to look for work, I wonder if this will be me??
Hoping that 2008 blesses you with playful joy, surreal happiness, and the love of family and friends. And to my blog family, I thank you for your interest, dedication and enthusiasm over the past few years as I happily document my whims, fancies and life stories. Many blessings to yoU!
sometimes words can’t express the multitude of emotions … so i’ll allow some of my favourite cartoons to express the inexplicable ….
Just as September peeks it’s unruly head around the corner, the ‘big chill’ set in yesterday, blustery and brutal by Calgary standards. And of course, this sets me off on a tangent, daydreaming of tropical sandy beaches and lush mosaic sunsets, visions enough to cast off any dismal thoughts of the ensuing winter just around…
Luckily, I don’t get enough comments on my blog to worry about this 🙂
Al Gore made this wonderful anaolgy to Global Warming yesterday when he made pleas for the environment before U.S. Congress, in Washington. His biggest Congressional skeptic, Senator James Inhofe, Republican of Oklahoma, who has called threats of catastrophic warming “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people,” challenged his views on Global Warming. In…
Again, a graduation party for the students of Juan Sissay — tonight was an unexpected surprise for everyone including myself; I made a spontaneous decision to leave this school and Xela, to go to San Pedro for the remaining 4 weeks before starting my volunteer work. I do know that I’ve made the right decision….