The Day After

Weddings can be extremely chaotic, busy and stressful for those involved. Having the opportunity to park our trailer next door to the bride and groom’s house was indeed a special treat, in that we were able to enjoy the company of Carrie and Jovan’s family after the business of the wedding had subsided. They leave for their fantastic Ireland honeymoon on Wednesday. Perfect timing apres wedding, giving them plenty of opportunity to decompress before enjoying their alone time as newlyweds, the sealing of the deal and partnership so necessary after months of preparation and devotion to the big day.

slaDE, always a source of wonderful entertainment, hooked up the slackline to some trees in the front yard. It was an instant success in keeping the children occupied and joyful!

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    1. Thank you Corry! I work hard at keeping it juicy with photos :). Big hugs and hello to you all!

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