
Behind again :(

So so busy …. and truly behind on my blogging. This has been an incredible whirlwind of a journey thus far in trying to get our Airstream ready to head south. All this plus making the time to visit with friends and family keeps me challenged in trying to fit everything in. And my writing…


Wesbite dilemmas

I truly am ahuge fan of computer technology. All the tools of the trade for updating websites and blogs and photo galleries are fantastic! Yet, for me, there is a love / hate relationship with the ease of those cre8tive software programs that are supposed to make life easier. Let me explain …. I will…

Facebook frenzy

On the Facebook blog this morning, I was totally amazed at hearing this truth: “More than 175 million people use Facebook. If it were a country, it would be the sixth most populated country in the world.” It’s truly amazing how FB has been such an international phenomenon. I’m not a myspace user, never have…