Wesbite dilemmas
I truly am ahuge fan of computer technology. All the tools of the trade for updating websites and blogs and photo galleries are fantastic! Yet, for me, there is a love / hate relationship with the ease of those cre8tive software programs that are supposed to make life easier. Let me explain …. I will always be a MAC user, first and foremost. In my current job (until tomorrow!) i use a PC to fulfill my daily duties. The PC does the job, but it doesn’t leave me breathless, craving for me. Switch to my home life: I love how I can be cre8tive and at ease, spending hours enjoying the cre8tive luxuries of my laptop. With deadlines to be met and an impending move from life as we know it (just under a week away) I’m using as much help as I can with web design programs that make my life just a bit easier and supposedly cre8te more free time to devote to the matters at hand. I’m speaking of tools such as iWeb ’08 and Rapidweaver.
I’m currently using both software programs to manage my blogs for yogaflight.ca and rvthereyet.ca respectively. Rapidweaver is quite a nice simple program with some cool easy design features. However, I’m unwilling to bite the bullet and pay big bucks for the licensing option of having more than 2 web pages on my site. This leaves me in limbo with designing additional blog entries for our travel blog. In addition to the that, I’ve unfortunately run into a wall with iWeb. This web design program for beginners has corrupted my last 20 hours of work put into the photo gallery additions I just recently updated last week, and I’ve no way to update the website until I recreate the master files, from scratch. The worst part of the process is the fact that iWeb doesn’t allow me to reimport my old backup files, which I DO have and are shining online in all their glory. If I had began the design process in Dreamweaver, as I usually do with all my professional web design work, there wouldn’t have been any issues. However, I do love the time-saving web gallery capabilities of iWeb, but only when its working and incorruptible. To say that I have been close to tears of frustration and disappointment is an understatement. The solution: I need to recreate all those files within iWeb before I can upload any new blog entries or add any additional photos. Wah! I’m starting to get into blog mode for our new travels and adventures, but there’s no way to upload them. Pure and utter discontentment.
Taking a deep breath, I stop and pause to think. I need to prioritize my time, it being so precious at the moment, and leave these tech issues on the sidelines while I get to work at packing up our lives and shifting into travel mode. It may be 3-4 weeks before I get the issues sorted out. Most unfortunate, yes. Life threatening, no. So with a sigh of release and acceptance, I wanted to inform you of the reasons behind why our website and blog is in stagnant limbo. It’s not because I’m being irreverent or neglectful. It’s because I’ve just run out of time to deal with the dooming, looming technical difficulties that don’t quite fit into my problem-solving schedule at the moment.
Oh how I wish that I had just bit the bullet and learned the ropes with WordPress.
Sending this with much patience, apologies and love.