But Yourself
David Choe spins it best …..
David Choe spins it best …..
What a crazy week of organizing and going through some of my belongings in storage. It was quite shocking to see how much clothing I have acquired over the years … Boxes and boxes that have been stuffed away in the cubby hole – – in between travels, seasons and homes. I’ve been warned as…
I bought my first Spanish ‘novel’ today … one of my favourites actually:: Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach. I’m really quite excited at the prospect of reading this short novel. Finding the time is another story! Today our class all decided to go see the movie “The DaVinci Code” (2 for the price of…
Ever since slaDE and I attended the Thai cooking class last month at the downtown food Coop, we have waited in luscious anticipation for this evening. The thought of a class that served up the delectable appeal of Sushi was too much to bear for our empty anxious stomaches. After a chilly bike ride in…
I am so grateful for this week to be over. Although there were moments of great happiness and playful discovery, the week was overshadowed by the stress of uncertainty, for me, anyway (poor Jean and slaDE~). The landlords at Opal Property Group were being obnoxious and obstinate about Jean trying to sublet / assign her…
I think that journalling can be such a wonderful and insightful cathartic release at times. At one stage in my life, I kept a journal everyday when I was travelling. I actually miss those days, where the hand flows freely and there is no fear in unravelling that which is contained within. A private viewing…
What is it with me and cameras? This morning I wanted to take a photo of the new gloriously red stargazers that slaDE gifted to me a few days ago. Seems like I’ve had a flower to fill my vase(s) the past few months. Very unusual … flowers now and then, yes, but what a…