New Guatemalan cell # 011 + 502 + 594 354 19
I can hardly believe it myself … I actually BOUGHT a Nokia CELL PHONE! Wow, this in incredibly techie and modern for someone who has never owned and rarely has used a cellular telephone. But indeed, with the incredibly cheap pay-as-you-go cell rates + the incentive of receiving FREE phone calls, whether locally or Internationally, I could hardly pass up the chance to buy one at the cheap price of 250 quetzales (which is equivalent to $33.33US — this INCLUDES 100 qz {$13.33} in airtime + a savvy Nokia phone — model #?). My rates to Canada and the US work out at about 17 cents US a minute and if my text messaging works, 4 cents a message. I’m thinking this is pretty good? But what truly inspires me is the fact that all my incoming calls are FREE! So please, please, please, call me ANYTIME! I’m 1 hour behind Eastern Standard Time, if that helps. Looking forward to hearing from you soon 🙂
My number: 011 + 502 + 594 354 19
011 = when calling from N. America
502 = country code
Sounds like a great adventure, I do wish I could be there, maybe after retirement someday. Be safe & enjoy.