Lululemon Karma
We’ve been incredibly blessed through out our yoga journey, with so many incredible instructors, mentors, blessings and offerings gifted to us. In light of all that has been given to us, we are happy to extend our service through the form of karma classes, and Lululemon literally gave us flight with our first very workshop in Calgary. It felt so good to be teaching a karma yogaFLIGHT class in Canada again. It’s been a while, with all our travelling commitments and nomadic calendar. I worked pretty diligently at creating the two dates we set up at the Yorkville Cumberland Lululemon store. Much followup and email conversations. It’s kind of difficult establishing a class as an ‘unknown’ within a new community. Often, the team leaders who organize the Lululemon schedule want to visit one your classes or your studio before bringing someone on board to their community events agenda. The difficulty with that for us is that we don’t have a studio nor regularly scheduled classes. However, since our photoshoot in Vancouver with Lululemon, it seems that our web presence on their website gave us some ‘street credibility’. Not that we needed it, but as we don’t fit into the typical mould of yoga instructors or yoga ambassadors, every little bit of help in establishing set karma classes within the community is an added bonus.
Tonight, we rocked the Yorkville store with 24 eager new yogaFLIGHT enthusiasts. It was breathtaking, truly. And we feel very blessed for having an abundance of classes in such a short time span, within Toronto!