Fallen angel

Wanting to enjoy the most of this summer’s day, I set out on my bike, soaking up the sun, celebrating in the purity of the clear blue sky. It was divine and indulgent. Perhaps a bit too indulgent? After visiting with my friends Sara and Michael, I hopped on my mountain bike and started the…

Solstice Blessings

With each change of the season, it is wonderful to reconnect with the fortunes and grace which fill my life and body. Thursday was the 20th anniversary of my brother Kenny’s death. A day of reverence for me, to the higher power which giveth light, darkness, life and death. A lesson to be acknowledged each…

Sex and Marriage

Marriage … ah the eternal debate over an institution filled with both flaws and promise. Should I or shouldn’t I? Can I risk to be vulnerable, interdependent, gambling against all the odds with no guarantees that life won’t throw a tire-iron my way? And if things go awry in a big way, what should I…

Sex and The City

I’ve been waiting, it feels like, FOREVER for this movie to finally come out. Where are my best girlfriends when I need and want them most?? Why in New York, in fact (and California — I miss you)! A signature cocktail in honor of Sarah Jessica Parker’s Sex & the City’s character, Carrie Bradshaw. The…