
Frivolous flirtations of the Facebook kind

So much for my New Year’s Resolutions! Every day, in every way. Not so for the month of March. Let’s hope that April will provide for a better track record?

I am so far behind in my blogging, and so incredibly sorry for letting you (and myself down). But nonetheless, I am very willing and anxiously wanting to catch uP (as best as I can, at least)! However, the difficulty of falling behind the blog writing curve is the inability to remember each and every day (even with the aid of many photographic hints). But with the delights of facebook happenings and digital photography, I hope to be able to share my many fabulous memories from the past 2-3 weeks. Soon enough. It’s just getting beyond the hurdle of disappointment which has edged, like oozing ink, in to the crevices of my cre8tive well, leaving me breathlessly apologetic, stumbling and repentant.  It’ll return. Just you wait and see. When you least expect it, the comeback queen will once again unearth her groove and breath her written word into a seamless tapestry of benign cre8tivity. :).

Just in case you didn’t know, the beauty of facebook updates is in the ability to go back through a ‘wall’s’ many older posts, copying and pasting witticisms / momentary lapses of hasty foot-in-mouth comments. My facebook ramblings seem to be far more up-to-date than any other words I’ve uttered on the web. Perhaps this has to do with the captive audience I’ve garnered / earned and the immediacy of feedback on my profile page? Yup, it’s true. When it comes right down to it, I’m addicted to facebook and the depth of knowledge I grasp from all my friend’s lives and goings-on. Call me a peeping Tom of sorts. Or a nosy Nancy. Either way, I spend way too much time on facebook and not enough time on this blog.

Forgive me faithful readers for my frivolous philandering. I’ll catch up — soon enough — with titillating tales from the throes of our Airstream antics. Promise! (Because I’ve missed you, you know :)). I’ll do better in April — no April Fool‘s joke, honest!

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