A new community

What a great weekend of opportunity! It started out Friday with a co-worker offering to give private lessons on learning single brushstroke painting. To my delight, slaDE decided that he wanted to take this private lesson together and learn a new cre8tive skill as well! To follow, out of the blue, Tanya, a fellow member…

Clarifying matters

Okay, just to set the record straight, my reasoning behind a lengthy 4-6 week detoxification has NOTHING to do with what the bratty young stars (Spears, Lohan and Mel Gibson to name but a few) who have made fashionable the expensive detox ‘holidays’. Nor does it have anything to do with wanting to lose weight;…

Detox Menu

This menu is another really useful guide if you’re considering attempting a general detox. My herbal plan similarly follows this in the pre-cleanse phase for the first 2 weeks (with additional doses of psyllium fibre ‘shots’ twice per day). The two weeks following this, my regime is quite more diligent and precisely monitored. I’m on…

Detox – Day 5

Ok, ok, I’m running behind in my journalling, as per usual as of late. But this herbal detox is taking so much energy to prepare for and stick with. I’m actually starting to enjoy the clean fresh empty feeling of my cleanse … my sense of smell and taste has kicked into overdrive, and my…