Planting HAPPiness: feeding my souL
It’s been an amazingly hectic few weeks (and yes, I will eventually get my vacation blog up-to-date WITH pictures, promise!) with our jam-packed (literally! Mom gifted slaDE with 8 jars of strawberry freshness) vacation back to Ontario, a family wedding and a full-on Stampede with fireworks every night to keep us bright-eyed and awake into the wee hours. I’ve been feeling a bit frazzled and have needed some down-time. So I invested my energy into an evening of repotting our African Violet plants, which haven’t been doing so well of lately. Some strange mold has festered at the fringes of their pots and I thought it best to give new life to the wilting leaves and flowers, as my off-coloured thumb has been negligent of the babies, to say the least!
The night outside was sickly thick with stagnant mugginess, so what better place to hang out than the rooftop of our building! Here I made a right mess, soiling the boards with love and carefree abandon. It was revitalizing to craft a new nest for my lovelies, although my clumsy ineptness will define the life of their new home. Regardless, these plants were gifted to us and they offer much joy in return. Fingers crossed that their roots will take on a new lease!
Planting the happiness in our lives has much to do with “accepting the fact that our life gardens will produce exactly what we plant“, and how we maintain the life in the earthloam (making time for nourishing the earthiness that is at our core) will determine the outward leaves that reflect who we are.
This quote is a great analogy to how I’m feeling at the moment: “if I plant happiness in my daily life, low and behold, I will find joy in everything I do. If I plant negative thoughts inside my heart, I will only grow more discontented with each passing day. Whatever is planted inside my heart will grow. If we plant seeds of hope, we can expect miracles. Are you planting seeds of happiness in the hearts of those you love?”
I also ask: am I nourishing the happiness within by taking the time to cultivate a sturdy and solid home for everything in my life, of importance, including myself?
It feels as if, of late, I’ve been extending myself beyond the boundaries of my necessity and it’s time to step-back into a bit of solitude and quiet. Find the time to journal, be cre8tive and just bE. Ohmmmmmmm …..